Organizing Closets for Children

Conventional wisdom normally has us gearing closet design towards adults, but children are really the ones who need super-efficient closet design.  Adults might keep clothes or accessories for several years, but kids can grow out of their clothes within a matter of months.  For a true organization and storage challenge, get a good closet for a kid.

Organizing for children can be a real challengeThere are a few ways to gear storage towards kids without going overboard.   But first and foremost, let’s try to properly prepare.  Get down to your child’s height and have a look in the closet.  How does it look to you from that height?  What can you grab easily?  What’s difficult?  Do you feel like anything is too far out of your reach?

Now that you have an idea of what the closet looks like from your child’s point of view, it’s time to start organizing.  First and foremost, bring the shelves down to your kid’s level.  Keep a shoe rack down low as well.  If your child is particularly sporty, maybe get him/her two so they don’t end up putting their church shoes next to their dirty soccer cleats.

Take your child by the hand and guide them through the process.  Habits like good organization don’t just happen overnight.  They need to be nurtured and nourished over time.  But the earlier this starts, the sooner your child will develop the necessary skills to organize and eventually develop their own system for storage and organization.

Photo Credit: David Castillo Dominici

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